Wise, honest and realistic words from Lennox Cato in The Rutland & Stamford Mercury last week about buying antiques...
"It's very important to look at who you are buying from because a good dealer who is a member of #BADA or #LAPADA trade association is invested in you. They want you to come back, they've invested in you as much as in the item they're selling because they want your business"... "Buying an antique is like buying a house or a car, when you're buying from an antique shop you are buying at the retail price but look at it like longevity. If you look for the short term, it's the wrong way to approach antiques".
Be realistic with the amount you want to spend however, there's no point bankrupting yourself over an item that will take years to appreciate in value. Buying antiques is a personal experience and should be bought because you actually like it, so don't be seduced by an item being cheap or expensive.
"Some things may seem expensive when you first buy it but as time goes on and you've got that satisfaction from what you've acquired you fall in love with that thing because it gives you so much pleasure, and you can't put a monetary value on how much pleasure that an item has given you."
"Buying antiques is like buying memories".
Garners Fine Art, Antiques & Interiors are proud to be members of LAPADA - Association of Art & Antiques Dealers